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Nancy Llenas

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Beneficiary of the BUSThink Project

Mentored by CarpoACE Europe, S.L. (Spain)

By CarpoACE Europe, S.L.

Nancy emigrated to Andalusia (Spain) from Argentina, 22 years ago, currently living in San Pedro de Alcántara, (Malaga). Participating in the BUSThink project helped him focus on the needs of his target customer, so he could redefine his initial value proposition. In his words: "Beyond what I want to give, it is the customer's need that really makes the business work."

Based on her experience as a mother, and her training as a coach and in strategic family intervention, she decided to develop an entrepreneurship project to help mothers and fathers of teenage children, who are currently going through complicated situations. A project that seeks to help their children, listening to them and understanding them, so that they can face an increasingly uncertain world with a lot of social pressure.

From the Modena workshop of our BUSThink project, Nancy was able to begin to redefine her value proposition, refining and focusing it through the mentoring received in the following months. Finally, in November/2024 it was able to finish its business plan through the BUSThink method, the following being its main elements:

  • Value Proposition: Unique membership for parents looking to transform the relationship with their teenage sons and daughters and create a home full of positive energy.

  • SMarket segments to which the proposal is directed: Parents with adolescent children, who:

  • They seek integral well-being and personal growth,

  • are busy and stressed professionals,

  • are digitally active and modern.

  • Other key elements of your business plan:

    • Nancy's training and her personal qualities: authenticity, life experience, closeness, warmth and empathy.

    • It will use online channels for workshops (Telegram and Instagram), as well as face-to-face activities in schools, associations and City Councils.

    • As for the relationship with its customers, it will create a membership with access to different services, promoting the consolidation of a community of belonging based on authenticity.


Following the principles of Design Thinking, in the prototyping phase, sessions were modeled to be applied in families within the target market. In the testing phase, 10-hour processes were carried out. (8-10 sessions) in 4 families. The results achieved and the testimonials at the end of each process have validated the business idea significantly, since they have not only been very satisfied, but have recommended Nancy to other families.

The attributes of this proposal have to do with the professional preparation and commitment that inspires me to improve the lives of the people who come to Nancy, and the most accentuated differential feature, according to his clients, is the rapport and trust that he manages to establish from the first session. Another feature that differentiates it is that it will be a safe space where the members can evolve at their own pace, without impossible demands or slogans.

Instagram: nancy_llenas

This article has been prepared by CarpoACE Europe SL.

For any questions, concerns, or issues related to the topics covered herein, please email This project has been funded with the support of the European Commission. This publication reflects the views of the author only and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.




©2023 by BusThink



Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them
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